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[samba.git] / docs / xslt / db2latex-xsl / xsl / mediaobject.mod.xsl
1 <?xml version='1.0'?>
2 <!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [ <!ENTITY % xsldoc.ent SYSTEM "./xsldoc.ent"> %xsldoc.ent; ]>
3 <!--############################################################################# 
4 |       $Id: mediaobject.mod.xsl,v 1.22 2004/01/12 13:52:30 j-devenish Exp $
5 |- #############################################################################
6 |       $Author: j-devenish $
7 + ############################################################################## -->
9 <xsl:stylesheet
10         xmlns:xsl=""
11         xmlns:doc=""
12         exclude-result-prefixes="doc" version='1.0'>
14         <doc:reference id="mediaobject" xmlns="">
15                 <referenceinfo>
16                         <releaseinfo role="meta">
17                                 $Id: mediaobject.mod.xsl,v 1.22 2004/01/12 13:52:30 j-devenish Exp $
18                         </releaseinfo>
19                         <authorgroup>
20                                 &ramon;
21                                 &james;
22                         </authorgroup>
23                         <copyright>
24                                 <year>2000</year><year>2001</year><year>2002</year><year>2003</year><year>2004</year>
25                                 <holder>Ramon Casellas</holder>
26                         </copyright>
27                         <revhistory>
28                                 <doc:revision rcasver="1.12">&rev_2003_05;</doc:revision>
29                         </revhistory>
30                 </referenceinfo>
31                 <title>MediaObjects <filename>mediaobject.mod.xsl</filename></title>
32                 <partintro>
33                         <para>
36                         </para>
37                 </partintro>
38         </doc:reference>
40         <doc:template xmlns="">
41                 <refpurpose>Process <doc:db>textobject</doc:db> elements</refpurpose>
42                 <doc:description>
43                         <para>
44                                 Applies templates.
45                         </para>
46                 </doc:description>
47                 <doc:variables>
48                         &no_var;
49                 </doc:variables>
50         </doc:template>
51         <xsl:template match="textobject">
52                 <!-- TODO if mixed in with imageobjects, use subfigure (if appropriate) -->
53                 <xsl:apply-templates/>
54         </xsl:template>
56         <doc:template basename="mediaobject" xmlns="">
57                 <refpurpose>Process <doc:db>mediaobject</doc:db> elements</refpurpose>
58                 <doc:description>
59                         <para>
60                                 Calls <xref linkend="template.mediacontent"/>.
61                         </para>
62                 </doc:description>
63                 <doc:variables>
64                         &no_var;
65                 </doc:variables>
66                 <doc:samples>
67                         <simplelist type='inline'>
68                                 &test_subfig;
69                         </simplelist>
70                 </doc:samples>
71         </doc:template>
72         <xsl:template match="mediaobject">
73                 <xsl:if test="local-name(preceding-sibling::*[1])!='mediaobject'">
74                         <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
75                 </xsl:if>
76                 <xsl:call-template name="mediacontent"/>
77                 <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
78         </xsl:template>
80         <doc:template basename="mediaobject" xmlns="">
81                 <refpurpose>Process a <doc:db>para</doc:db>'s <doc:db>mediaobject</doc:db> elements</refpurpose>
82                 <doc:description>
83                         <para>
84                                 Formats a <doc:db>mediaobject</doc:db> as a block surrounded by paragraph text.
85                         </para>
86                 </doc:description>
87                 <doc:variables>
88                         &no_var;
89                 </doc:variables>
90                 <doc:notes>
91                         <para>
92                                 Inserts newline characters around the output of <xref
93                                 linkend="template.mediacontent"/>.
94                         </para>
95                 </doc:notes>
96         </doc:template>
97         <xsl:template match="para/mediaobject">
98                 <xsl:text>&#10;&#10;</xsl:text>
99                 <xsl:call-template name="mediacontent"/>
100                 <xsl:text>&#10;&#10;</xsl:text>
101         </xsl:template>
103         <doc:template xmlns="">
104                 <refpurpose>Process <doc:db>inlinemediaobject</doc:db> elements</refpurpose>
105                 <doc:description>
106                         <para>
107                                 Applies templates.
108                         </para>
109                 </doc:description>
110                 <doc:variables>
111                         &no_var;
112                 </doc:variables>
113         </doc:template>
114         <xsl:template match="inlinemediaobject">
115                 <xsl:call-template name="mediacontent"/>
116         </xsl:template>
118         <doc:template xmlns="">
119                 <refpurpose>Process media and inline media </refpurpose>
120                 <doc:description>
121                         <para>
122                                 Formats image media.
123                                 Would be good to be able to include text media, too,
124                                 so that mixed-content figures look proper.
125                         </para>
126                 </doc:description>
127                 <doc:variables>
128                         &no_var;
129                 </doc:variables>
130                 <doc:notes>
131                         <para>
132                                 The template first attempts to obtain a count of the number
133                                 of media within this <doc:db>figure</doc:db>, if this is within a <sgmltag>figure</sgmltag>.
134                                 If the number of objects is greater than one, a <function condition="latex">subfigure</function>
135                                 command will be invoked with the contents of any <doc:db>caption</doc:db>.
136                                 If there are no <doc:db basename="imageobject">imageobjects</doc:db>, <doc:db basename="textobject">textobjects</doc:db>
137                                 will be selected.
138                                 Otherwise, the following algorithm will be used:
139                         </para>
140                         <procedure>
141                                 <step><simpara>If <xref linkend="param.use.role.for.mediaobject"/> is set and there is an <doc:db>imageobject</doc:db> with a <sgmltag class="attribute">role</sgmltag> equal to the current <xref linkend="param.preferred.mediaobject.role"/> then that object will be used.</simpara></step>
142                                 <step><simpara>Otherwise, if <xref linkend="param.use.role.for.mediaobject"/> is set and there is an <sgmltag>imageobject</sgmltag> with a role of <quote>latex</quote> or <quote>tex</quote>, that object will be used.</simpara></step>
143                                 <step><simpara>Otherwise, if <xref linkend=""/> is set and there are <sgmltag>imagedata</sgmltag> with non-empty <sgmltag class="attribute">format</sgmltag> attributes, and at least one of them has a matching format, then the first one of those objects is used. If none match, then the first <sgmltag>imagedata</sgmltag> with an <emphasis>empty</emphasis> format is used. Otherwise, the first <doc:db>textobject</doc:db> is used.</simpara></step>
144                                 <step><simpara>Otherwise, the first <sgmltag>imageobject</sgmltag> is used regardless.</simpara></step>
145                         </procedure>
146                 </doc:notes>
147         </doc:template>
148         <xsl:template name="mediacontent">
149                 <!--
150                 <xsl:variable name="actualmediacnt" select="count(../../..//mediaobject[imageobject or textobject])"/>
151                 -->
152                 <xsl:variable name="actualmediacnt" select="count(../mediaobject)"/>
153                 <xsl:if test="$actualmediacnt &gt; 1 and $latex.use.subfigure='1' and count(ancestor::figure) &gt; 0">
154                         <xsl:text>\subfigure[</xsl:text>
155                         <!-- TODO does subfigure stuff up with there are square brackets in here? -->
156                         <xsl:if test="caption">
157                                 <xsl:apply-templates select="caption[1]"/>
158                         </xsl:if>
159                         <xsl:text>]</xsl:text>
160                 </xsl:if>
161                 <xsl:text>{</xsl:text>
162                 <xsl:choose>
163                         <xsl:when test="count(imageobject)&lt;1">
164                                 <xsl:apply-templates select="textobject[1]"/>
165                         </xsl:when>
166                         <xsl:when test="$use.role.for.mediaobject='1' and $preferred.mediaobject.role!='' and count(imageobject[@role=$preferred.mediaobject.role])!=0">
167                                 <xsl:apply-templates select="imageobject[@role=$preferred.mediaobject.role]"/>
168                         </xsl:when>
169                         <xsl:when test="$use.role.for.mediaobject='1' and count(imageobject[@role='latex'])!=0">
170                                 <xsl:apply-templates select="imageobject[@role='latex']"/>
171                         </xsl:when>
172                         <xsl:when test="$use.role.for.mediaobject='1' and count(imageobject[@role='tex'])!=0">
173                                 <xsl:apply-templates select="imageobject[@role='tex']"/>
174                         </xsl:when>
175                         <xsl:when test="$!='' and count(imageobject/imagedata[@format!=''])!=0">
176                                 <!-- this is not really the right method: formats to the left of $
177                                 should be given higher 'priority' than those to the right in a command-separated list -->
178                                 <xsl:variable name="formats" select="concat(',',$,',')"/>
179                                 <xsl:variable name="candidates" select="imageobject/imagedata[contains($formats,concat(',',@format,','))]"/>
180                                 <xsl:choose>
181                                         <xsl:when test="count($candidates)!=0">
182                                                 <xsl:apply-templates select="$candidates[1]"/>
183                                         </xsl:when>
184                                         <xsl:otherwise>
185                                                 <xsl:variable name="fallbacks" select="imageobject/imagedata[@format='']"/>
186                                                 <xsl:choose>
187                                                         <xsl:when test="count($fallbacks)!=0">
188                                                                 <xsl:apply-templates select="$fallbacks[1]"/>
189                                                         </xsl:when>
190                                                         <xsl:when test="count(textobject)!=0">
191                                                                 <xsl:apply-templates select="textobject[1]"/>
192                                                         </xsl:when>
193                                                         <xsl:otherwise>
194                                                                 <xsl:apply-templates select="imageobject[1]"/>
195                                                         </xsl:otherwise>
196                                                 </xsl:choose>
197                                         </xsl:otherwise>
198                                 </xsl:choose>
199                         </xsl:when>
200                         <xsl:otherwise>
201                                 <xsl:apply-templates select="imageobject[1]"/>
202                         </xsl:otherwise>
203                 </xsl:choose>
204                 <xsl:text>}</xsl:text>
205         </xsl:template>
207         <doc:template basename="imageobject" xmlns="">
208                 <refpurpose>Process <doc:db>imageobject</doc:db> elements</refpurpose>
209                 <doc:description>
210                         <para>
211                                 Applies templates.
212                         </para>
213                 </doc:description>
214                 <doc:variables>
215                         &no_var;
216                 </doc:variables>
217         </doc:template>
218         <xsl:template match="imageobject">
219                 <xsl:apply-templates select="imagedata"/>
220         </xsl:template>
222         <doc:template xmlns="">
223                 <refpurpose>Process <doc:db>imagedata</doc:db> elements</refpurpose>
224                 <doc:description>
225                         <para>
226                                 Formats a picture using <function condition="latex">includegraphics</function>.
227                         </para>
228                 </doc:description>
229                 <doc:variables>
230                         &no_var;
231                 </doc:variables>
232                 <doc:params>
233                         <variablelist>
234                                 <varlistentry>
235                                         <term>filename</term>
236                                         <listitem><simpara>The file path to be passsed to <function
237                                         condition="latex">includegraphics</function>. By default,
238                                         the name of the graphics file is gathered from the <sgmltag
239                                         class="attribute">entityref</sgmltag> attribute, if it is
240                                         present, or otherwise from the <sgmltag
241                                         class="attribute">fileref</sgmltag> attribute.
242                                         Often with &LaTeX;, the <sgmltag class="attribute">fileref</sgmltag>
243                                         attribute need not end with any <quote>filename extension</quote>
244                                         (see <xref linkend="param.graphic.default.extension"/>).
245                                         </simpara></listitem>
246                                 </varlistentry>
247                         </variablelist>
248                 </doc:params>
249                 <doc:notes>
250                         <itemizedlist>
251                                 <listitem><para>If both <literal>@width</literal> and <literal>@scale</literal> are given but <literal>@scalefit='0'</literal>, whitespace is added to the left and right in order to match the specified width.</para></listitem>
252                                 <listitem><para>If <literal>@width</literal> is given and either <literal>@scalefit=1</literal> or no <literal>@scale</literal> is given, then the image is scale to <literal>@width</literal>. Otherwise, <literal>@scale</literal> is used, if it is present.</para></listitem>
253                                 <listitem><para>If this is not the only <literal>imagedata</literal> within the figure, this will be rendered as a 'subfigure', including the <literal>caption</literal> of its enclosing <literal>mediaobject</literal>.</para></listitem>
254                         </itemizedlist>
255                         <para>
256                                 For widths, those containing a percent symbol (<quote>%</quote>) will be
257                                 taken relative to the <function condition="latex">textwidth</function>.
258                         </para>
259                         <para>
260                                 The <quote>PRN</quote> value of the <sgmltag class="attribute">format</sgmltag> attribute is honoured.
261                         </para>
262                 </doc:notes>
263                 <doc:seealso>
264                         <itemizedlist>
265                                 <listitem><simpara>&mapping;</simpara></listitem>
266                                 <listitem><simpara><xref linkend="template.content-templates"/></simpara></listitem>
267                         </itemizedlist>
268                 </doc:seealso>
269         </doc:template>
270         <xsl:template match="imagedata" name="imagedata">
271                 <xsl:param name="filename">
272                         <xsl:choose>
273                                 <xsl:when test="@entityref">
274                                         <xsl:value-of select="unparsed-entity-uri(@entityref)"/>
275                                 </xsl:when>
276                                 <xsl:otherwise>
277                                         <xsl:value-of select="@fileref"/>
278                                 </xsl:otherwise>
279                         </xsl:choose>
280                 </xsl:param>
281                 <xsl:param name="is.imageobjectco" select="false()"/>
282                 <xsl:variable name="width">
283                         <xsl:choose>
284                                 <xsl:when test="contains(@width, '%') and substring-after(@width, '%')=''">
285                                         <xsl:value-of select="number(substring-before(@width, '%')) div 100"/>
286                                         <xsl:text>\textwidth</xsl:text>
287                                 </xsl:when>
288                                 <xsl:otherwise>
289                                         <xsl:value-of select="@width"/>
290                                 </xsl:otherwise>
291                         </xsl:choose>
292                 </xsl:variable>
293                 <xsl:if test="$width!='' and (@scalefit='0' or count(@scale)&gt;0)">
294                         <xsl:text>\makebox[</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select='$width' /><xsl:text>]</xsl:text>
295                 </xsl:if>
296                 <!-- TODO this logic actually needs to make decisions based on the ALLOWED imagedata,
297                 not all the imagedata present in the source file. -->
298                 <xsl:choose>
299                         <xsl:when test="$is.imageobjectco=1">
300                                 <xsl:text>{\begin{overpic}[</xsl:text>
301                         </xsl:when>
302                         <xsl:otherwise>
303                                 <xsl:text>{\includegraphics[</xsl:text>
304                         </xsl:otherwise>
305                 </xsl:choose>
306                 <xsl:choose>
307                         <xsl:when test="@scale"> 
308                         <xsl:text>scale=</xsl:text>
309                         <xsl:value-of select="number(@scale) div 100"/>
310                         </xsl:when>
311                         <xsl:when test="$width!='' and @scalefit='1'">
312                         <xsl:text>width=</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="normalize-space($width)"/>
313                         </xsl:when>
314                         <xsl:when test="@depth!='' and @scalefit='1'">
315                         <xsl:text>height=</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(@depth)"/>
316                         </xsl:when>
317                 </xsl:choose>
318                 <xsl:choose>
319                         <xsl:when test="@format = 'PRN'"><xsl:text>,angle=270</xsl:text></xsl:when>
320                 </xsl:choose>
321                 <xsl:text>]{</xsl:text>
322                 <xsl:value-of select="$filename"/>
323                 <xsl:choose>
324                         <xsl:when test="$is.imageobjectco=1">
325                                 <xsl:text>}&#10;\calsscale&#10;</xsl:text>
326                                 <xsl:apply-templates select="ancestor::imageobjectco/areaspec//area"/>
327                                 <xsl:text>\end{overpic}}</xsl:text>
328                         </xsl:when>
329                         <xsl:otherwise>
330                                 <xsl:text>}}</xsl:text>
331                         </xsl:otherwise>
332                 </xsl:choose>
333         </xsl:template>
335         <doc:template xmlns="">
336                 <refpurpose>Process <doc:db>caption</doc:db> elements</refpurpose>
337                 <doc:description>
338                         <para>
339                                 Applies templates.
340                         </para>
341                 </doc:description>
342                 <doc:variables>
343                         &no_var;
344                 </doc:variables>
345         </doc:template>
346         <xsl:template match="caption">
347                 <xsl:apply-templates/>
348         </xsl:template>
350 </xsl:stylesheet>