COMP8440: Schedule

The course will be divided into three phases

  • 2nd April - Information Evening. On Thursday the 2nd of April starting at 7pm there will be an introductory evening for students. The course material will be outlined, and students will be given some reading material that should be studied before the main course begins. The main presentation for the information evening will be recorded so that students who are not in Canberra on that day can see the material.
  • 14th to 18th April - Main course. The main course will be from the Tuesday to the Saturday (inclusive) in the week after Easter. The course will run from 9am to 6pm each day (with breaks).
  • 25th April, 2nd May, 9th May. Laboratory sessions will be offered between 2pm and 5pm on the three Saturdays following the main course. These sessions are intended for students completing the assessment part of the course.
  • Assessment period. After the main course is over, the students are expected to prepare materials for assessment, which will be due by Friday the 22nd of May. Details on assessment options will be made available on this website closer to the start of the course.

    Detailed Schedule

    The following is a more detailed schedule for the 5 day intensive part of the course.
     9:00 introduction and welcome
     9:30 Lecture: An introduction to FOSS
    10:30 morning tea
    10:45 Lab: Install a FOSS project - all on one project
    12:00 Lecture: Getting started in a FOSS project
    13:00 Lunch
    14:00 Lecture: How are FOSS projects governed?
    15:00 Afternoon tea
    15:15 Lab: Installing a FOSS project - choice of 5
    17:45 close
     9:00 introducing the course projects
     9:30 Lecture: The history of FOSS
    10:30 morning tea
    10:45 Lab: finding a FOSS project
    12:00 Lecture: Inside FOSS licensing
    13:00 Lunch
    14:00 Lecture: FOSS and the law
    15:00 Afternoon tea
    15:15 Lab: study of chosen FOSS project
    17:45 close
     9:00 discussion of FOSS project work
     9:30 Lecture: Source code management for FOSS projects
    10:30 morning tea
    10:45 Lab: getting in touch with the project
    12:00 Lecture: FOSS and business
    13:00 Lunch
    14:00 Lecture: What motivates a FOSS developer?
    15:00 Afternoon tea
    15:15 Lab: project work
    17:45 close
     9:00 discussion of FOSS project work
     9:30 Lecture: Case study: Samba
    10:30 morning tea
    10:45 Lab: project work
    12:00 Lecture: FOSS distributions and platforms
    13:00 Lunch
    14:00 Lecture: FOSS and Security
    15:00 Afternoon tea
    15:15 Lab: project work
    17:45 close
     9:00 discussion of FOSS project work
     9:30 Lecture: Starting a new project
    10:30 morning tea
    10:45 Lab: project presentations
    12:00 Lecture: FOSS Tales
    13:00 Lunch
    14:00 Lecture: Release early, release often
    15:00 Afternoon tea
    15:15 Lab: project presentations
    17:45 close