# Hey Emacs, this is a -*- shell-script -*- !!! :-) fail () { echo "$*" exit 1 } ###################################################################### ctdb_test_begin () { local name="$1" teststarttime=$(date '+%s') testduration=0 echo "--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--" echo "Running test $name ($(date '+%T'))" echo "--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--" } ctdb_test_end () { local name="$1" ; shift local status="$1" ; shift # "$@" is command-line local interp="SKIPPED" local statstr=" (reason $*)" if [ -n "$status" ] ; then if [ $status -eq 0 ] ; then interp="PASSED" statstr="" echo "ALL OK: $*" else interp="FAILED" statstr=" (status $status)" testfailures=$(($testfailures+1)) fi fi testduration=$(($(date +%s)-$teststarttime)) echo "==========================================================================" echo "TEST ${interp}: ${name}${statstr} (duration: ${testduration}s)" echo "==========================================================================" } test_exit () { exit $(($testfailures+0)) } ctdb_check_time_logs () { local threshold=20 local jump=false local prev="" local ds_prev="" local node="" out=$(onnode all tail -n 20 /var/log/ctdb.test.time.log 2>&1) if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then local line while read line ; do case "$line" in \>\>\ NODE:\ *\ \<\<) node="${line#>> NODE: }" node=${node% <<*} ds_prev="" ;; *\ *) set -- $line ds_curr="$1${2:0:1}" if [ -n "$ds_prev" ] && \ [ $(($ds_curr - $ds_prev)) -ge $threshold ] ; then echo "Node $node had time jump of $(($ds_curr - $ds_prev))ds between $(date +'%T' -d @${ds_prev%?}) and $(date +'%T' -d @${ds_curr%?})" jump=true fi prev="$line" ds_prev="$ds_curr" ;; esac done <<<"$out" else echo Error getting time logs fi if $jump ; then echo "Check time sync (test client first):" date onnode -p all date echo "Information from test client:" hostname top -b -n 1 echo "Information from cluster nodes:" onnode all "top -b -n 1 ; echo '/proc/slabinfo' ; cat /proc/slabinfo" fi } ctdb_test_exit () { local status=$? trap - 0 [ $(($testfailures+0)) -eq 0 -a $status -ne 0 ] && testfailures=$status status=$(($testfailures+0)) # Avoid making a test fail from this point onwards. The test is # now complete. set +e echo "*** TEST COMPLETED (RC=$status) AT $(date '+%F %T'), CLEANING UP..." if [ -n "$CTDB_TEST_REAL_CLUSTER" -a $status -ne 0 ] ; then ctdb_check_time_logs fi eval "$ctdb_test_exit_hook" || true unset ctdb_test_exit_hook if $ctdb_test_restart_scheduled || ! cluster_is_healthy ; then restart_ctdb else # This could be made unconditional but then we might get # duplication from the recovery in restart_ctdb. We want to # leave the recovery in restart_ctdb so that future tests that # might do a manual restart mid-test will benefit. echo "Forcing a recovery..." onnode 0 $CTDB recover fi exit $status } ctdb_test_exit_hook_add () { ctdb_test_exit_hook="${ctdb_test_exit_hook}${ctdb_test_exit_hook:+ ; }$*" } ctdb_test_run () { local name="$1" ; shift [ -n "$1" ] || set -- "$name" ctdb_test_begin "$name" local status=0 "$@" || status=$? ctdb_test_end "$name" "$status" "$*" return $status } ctdb_test_usage() { local status=${1:-2} cat <&1) || { echo "Failed to execute \"$cmd\" on node(s) \"$nodespec\"" echo "$out" return 1 } if $verbose ; then echo "Output of \"$cmd\":" echo "$out" fi } sanity_check_output () { local min_lines="$1" local regexp="$2" # Should be anchored as necessary. local output="$3" local ret=0 local num_lines=$(echo "$output" | wc -l) echo "There are $num_lines lines of output" if [ $num_lines -lt $min_lines ] ; then echo "BAD: that's less than the required number (${min_lines})" ret=1 fi local status=0 local unexpected # local doesn't pass through status of command on RHS. unexpected=$(echo "$output" | egrep -v "$regexp") || status=$? # Note that this is reversed. if [ $status -eq 0 ] ; then echo "BAD: unexpected lines in output:" echo "$unexpected" | cat -A ret=1 else echo "Output lines look OK" fi return $ret } sanity_check_ips () { local ips="$1" # list of "ip node" lines echo "Sanity checking IPs..." local x ipp prev prev="" while read x ipp ; do [ "$ipp" = "-1" ] && break if [ -n "$prev" -a "$ipp" != "$prev" ] ; then echo "OK" return 0 fi prev="$ipp" done <<<"$ips" echo "BAD: a node was -1 or IPs are only assigned to one node" echo "Are you running an old version of CTDB?" return 1 } # This returns a list of "ip node" lines in $out all_ips_on_node() { local node=$@ try_command_on_node $node "$CTDB ip -Y -n all | cut -d ':' -f1-3 | sed -e '1d' -e 's@^:@@' -e 's@:@ @g'" } select_test_node_and_ips () { all_ips_on_node 0 # When selecting test_node we just want a node that has public # IPs. This will work and is economically semi-random. :-) local x read x test_node <<<"$out" test_node_ips="" local ip pnn while read ip pnn ; do if [ "$pnn" = "$test_node" ] ; then test_node_ips="${test_node_ips}${test_node_ips:+ }${ip}" fi done <<<"$out" # bashism to avoid problem setting variable in pipeline. echo "Selected node ${test_node} with IPs: ${test_node_ips}." test_ip="${test_node_ips%% *}" } ####################################### # Wait until either timeout expires or command succeeds. The command # will be tried once per second. wait_until () { local timeout="$1" ; shift # "$@" is the command... local negate=false if [ "$1" = "!" ] ; then negate=true shift fi echo -n "<${timeout}|" local t=$timeout while [ $t -gt 0 ] ; do local rc=0 "$@" || rc=$? if { ! $negate && [ $rc -eq 0 ] ; } || \ { $negate && [ $rc -ne 0 ] ; } ; then echo "|$(($timeout - $t))|" echo "OK" return 0 fi echo -n . t=$(($t - 1)) sleep 1 done echo "*TIMEOUT*" return 1 } sleep_for () { echo -n "=${1}|" for i in $(seq 1 $1) ; do echo -n '.' sleep 1 done echo '|' } _cluster_is_healthy () { local out x count line out=$($CTDB -Y status 2>/dev/null) || return 1 { read x count=0 while read line ; do # We need to see valid lines if we're going to be healthy. [ "${line#:[0-9]}" != "$line" ] && count=$(($count + 1)) # A line indicating a node is unhealthy causes failure. [ "${line##:*:*:*1:}" != "$line" ] && return 1 done [ $count -gt 0 ] && return $? } <<<"$out" # Yay bash! } cluster_is_healthy () { if onnode 0 $CTDB_TEST_WRAPPER _cluster_is_healthy ; then echo "Cluster is HEALTHY" return 0 else echo "Cluster is UNHEALTHY" if ! ${ctdb_test_restart_scheduled:-false} ; then echo "DEBUG AT $(date '+%F %T'):" local i for i in "onnode -q 0 $CTDB status" "onnode -q 0 onnode all $CTDB scriptstatus" ; do echo "$i" $i || true done fi return 1 fi } wait_until_healthy () { local timeout="${1:-120}" echo "Waiting for cluster to become healthy..." wait_until 120 _cluster_is_healthy } # This function is becoming nicely overloaded. Soon it will collapse! :-) node_has_status () { local pnn="$1" local status="$2" local bits fpat mpat case "$status" in (unhealthy) bits="?:?:?:1:*" ;; (healthy) bits="?:?:?:0:*" ;; (disconnected) bits="1:*" ;; (connected) bits="0:*" ;; (banned) bits="?:1:*" ;; (unbanned) bits="?:0:*" ;; (disabled) bits="?:?:1:*" ;; (enabled) bits="?:?:0:*" ;; (stopped) bits="?:?:?:?:1:*" ;; (notstopped) bits="?:?:?:?:0:*" ;; (frozen) fpat='^[[:space:]]+frozen[[:space:]]+1$' ;; (unfrozen) fpat='^[[:space:]]+frozen[[:space:]]+0$' ;; (monon) mpat='^Monitoring mode:ACTIVE \(0\)$' ;; (monoff) mpat='^Monitoring mode:DISABLED \(1\)$' ;; *) echo "node_has_status: unknown status \"$status\"" return 1 esac if [ -n "$bits" ] ; then local out x line out=$($CTDB -Y status 2>&1) || return 1 { read x while read line ; do # This needs to be done in 2 steps to avoid false matches. local line_bits="${line#:${pnn}:*:}" [ "$line_bits" = "$line" ] && continue [ "${line_bits#${bits}}" != "$line_bits" ] && return 0 done return 1 } <<<"$out" # Yay bash! elif [ -n "$fpat" ] ; then $CTDB statistics -n "$pnn" | egrep -q "$fpat" elif [ -n "$mpat" ] ; then $CTDB getmonmode -n "$pnn" | egrep -q "$mpat" else echo 'node_has_status: unknown mode, neither $bits nor $fpat is set' return 1 fi } wait_until_node_has_status () { local pnn="$1" local status="$2" local timeout="${3:-30}" local proxy_pnn="${4:-any}" echo "Waiting until node $pnn has status \"$status\"..." if ! wait_until $timeout onnode $proxy_pnn $CTDB_TEST_WRAPPER node_has_status "$pnn" "$status" ; then for i in "onnode -q any $CTDB status" "onnode -q any onnode all $CTDB scriptstatus" ; do echo "$i" $i || true done return 1 fi } # Useful for superficially testing IP failover. # IPs must be on nodes matching nodeglob. ips_are_on_nodeglob () { local nodeglob="$1" ; shift local ips="$*" local out all_ips_on_node 1 while read ip pnn ; do for check in $ips ; do if [ "$check" = "$ip" ] ; then case "$pnn" in ($nodeglob) : ;; (*) return 1 ;; esac ips="${ips/${ip}}" # Remove from list fi done done <<<"$out" # bashism to avoid problem setting variable in pipeline. ips="${ips// }" # Remove any spaces. [ -z "$ips" ] } wait_until_ips_are_on_nodeglob () { echo "Waiting for IPs to fail over..." wait_until 60 ips_are_on_nodeglob "$@" } node_has_some_ips () { local node="$1" local out all_ips_on_node 1 while read ip pnn ; do if [ "$node" = "$pnn" ] ; then return 0 fi done <<<"$out" # bashism to avoid problem setting variable in pipeline. return 1 } wait_until_node_has_some_ips () { echo "Waiting for node to have some IPs..." wait_until 60 node_has_some_ips "$@" } get_src_socket () { local proto="$1" local dst_socket="$2" local pid="$3" local prog="$4" local pat="^${proto}[[:space:]]+[[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]+[[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]+[^[:space:]]+[[:space:]]+${dst_socket//./\\.}[[:space:]]+ESTABLISHED[[:space:]]+${pid}/${prog}[[:space:]]*\$" out=$(netstat -tanp | egrep "$pat" | awk '{ print $4 }') [ -n "$out" ] } wait_until_get_src_socket () { local proto="$1" local dst_socket="$2" local pid="$3" local prog="$4" echo "Waiting for ${prog} to establish connection to ${dst_socket}..." wait_until 5 get_src_socket "$@" } ####################################### # filename will be in $tcpdump_filename, pid in $tcpdump_pid tcpdump_start () { tcpdump_filter="$1" # global echo "Running tcpdump..." tcpdump_filename=$(mktemp) ctdb_test_exit_hook_add "rm -f $tcpdump_filename" # The only way of being sure that tcpdump is listening is to send # some packets that it will see. So we use dummy pings - the -U # option to tcpdump ensures that packets are flushed to the file # as they are captured. local dummy_addr="" local dummy="icmp and dst host ${dummy_addr} and icmp[icmptype] == icmp-echo" tcpdump -n -p -s 0 -e -U -w $tcpdump_filename -i any "($tcpdump_filter) or ($dummy)" & ctdb_test_exit_hook_add "kill $! >/dev/null 2>&1" echo "Waiting for tcpdump output file to be ready..." ping -q "$dummy_addr" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ctdb_test_exit_hook_add "kill $! >/dev/null 2>&1" tcpdump_listen_for_dummy () { tcpdump -n -r $tcpdump_filename -c 1 "$dummy" >/dev/null 2>&1 } wait_until 10 tcpdump_listen_for_dummy } # By default, wait for 1 matching packet. tcpdump_wait () { local count="${1:-1}" local filter="${2:-${tcpdump_filter}}" tcpdump_check () { local found=$(tcpdump -n -r $tcpdump_filename "$filter" 2>/dev/null | wc -l) [ $found -ge $count ] } echo "Waiting for tcpdump to capture some packets..." if ! wait_until 30 tcpdump_check ; then echo "DEBUG AT $(date '+%F %T'):" local i for i in "onnode -q 0 $CTDB status" "netstat -tanp" "tcpdump -n -e -r $tcpdump_filename" ; do echo "$i" $i || true done return 1 fi } tcpdump_show () { local filter="${1:-${tcpdump_filter}}" tcpdump -n -r $tcpdump_filename "$filter" 2>/dev/null } tcptickle_sniff_start () { local src="$1" local dst="$2" local in="src host ${dst%:*} and tcp src port ${dst##*:} and dst host ${src%:*} and tcp dst port ${src##*:}" local out="src host ${src%:*} and tcp src port ${src##*:} and dst host ${dst%:*} and tcp dst port ${dst##*:}" local tickle_ack="${in} and (tcp[tcpflags] & tcp-ack != 0) and (tcp[14] == 4) and (tcp[15] == 210)" # win == 1234 local ack_ack="${out} and (tcp[tcpflags] & tcp-ack != 0)" tcptickle_reset="${in} and tcp[tcpflags] & tcp-rst != 0" local filter="(${tickle_ack}) or (${ack_ack}) or (${tcptickle_reset})" tcpdump_start "$filter" } tcptickle_sniff_wait_show () { tcpdump_wait 1 "$tcptickle_reset" echo "GOOD: here are some TCP tickle packets:" tcpdump_show } gratarp_sniff_start () { tcpdump_start "arp host ${test_ip}" } gratarp_sniff_wait_show () { tcpdump_wait 2 echo "GOOD: this should be the some gratuitous ARPs:" tcpdump_show } ####################################### daemons_stop () { echo "Attempting to politely shutdown daemons..." onnode 1 $CTDB shutdown -n all || true echo "Sleeping for a while..." sleep_for 1 if pgrep -f $CTDB_DIR/bin/ctdbd >/dev/null ; then echo "Killing remaining daemons..." pkill -f $CTDB_DIR/bin/ctdbd if pgrep -f $CTDB_DIR/bin/ctdbd >/dev/null ; then echo "Once more with feeling.." pkill -9 $CTDB_DIR/bin/ctdbd fi fi local var_dir=$CTDB_DIR/tests/var rm -rf $var_dir/test.db } daemons_setup () { local num_nodes="${CTDB_TEST_NUM_DAEMONS:-2}" # default is 2 nodes local var_dir=$CTDB_DIR/tests/var mkdir -p $var_dir/test.db/persistent local nodes=$var_dir/nodes.txt local public_addresses=$var_dir/public_addresses.txt local no_public_addresses=$var_dir/no_public_addresses.txt rm -f $nodes $public_addresses $no_public_addresses # If there are (strictly) greater than 2 nodes then we'll randomly # choose a node to have no public addresses. local no_public_ips=-1 [ $num_nodes -gt 2 ] && no_public_ips=$(($RANDOM % $num_nodes)) echo "$no_public_ips" >$no_public_addresses local i for i in $(seq 1 $num_nodes) ; do if [ "${CTDB_USE_IPV6}x" != "x" ]; then echo ::$i >> $nodes ip addr add ::$i/128 dev lo else echo 127.0.0.$i >> $nodes # 2 public addresses on most nodes, just to make things interesting. if [ $(($i - 1)) -ne $no_public_ips ] ; then echo "192.0.2.$i/24 lo" >> $public_addresses echo "192.0.2.$(($i + $num_nodes))/24 lo" >> $public_addresses fi fi done } daemons_start_1 () { local pnn="$1" shift # "$@" gets passed to ctdbd local var_dir=$CTDB_DIR/tests/var local nodes=$var_dir/nodes.txt local public_addresses=$var_dir/public_addresses.txt local no_public_addresses=$var_dir/no_public_addresses.txt local no_public_ips=-1 [ -r $no_public_addresses ] && read no_public_ips <$no_public_addresses if [ "$no_public_ips" = $pnn ] ; then echo "Node $no_public_ips will have no public IPs." fi local ctdb_options="--reclock=$var_dir/rec.lock --nlist $nodes --nopublicipcheck --event-script-dir=$CTDB_DIR/tests/events.d --logfile=$var_dir/daemons.log -d 0 --dbdir=$var_dir/test.db --dbdir-persistent=$var_dir/test.db/persistent --dbdir-state=$var_dir/test.db/state" if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then ctdb_options="$ctdb_options --public-interface=lo" fi if [ $pnn -eq $no_public_ips ] ; then ctdb_options="$ctdb_options --public-addresses=/dev/null" else ctdb_options="$ctdb_options --public-addresses=$public_addresses" fi # Need full path so we can use "pkill -f" to kill the daemons. $VALGRIND $CTDB_DIR/bin/ctdbd --socket=$var_dir/sock.$pnn $ctdb_options "$@" ||return 1 } daemons_start () { # "$@" gets passed to ctdbd local num_nodes="${CTDB_TEST_NUM_DAEMONS:-2}" # default is 2 nodes echo "Starting $num_nodes ctdb daemons..." for i in $(seq 0 $(($num_nodes - 1))) ; do daemons_start_1 $i "$@" done local var_dir=$CTDB_DIR/tests/var if [ -L /tmp/ctdb.socket -o ! -S /tmp/ctdb.socket ] ; then ln -sf $var_dir/sock.0 /tmp/ctdb.socket || return 1 fi } ####################################### _ctdb_hack_options () { local ctdb_options="$*" # We really just want to pass CTDB_OPTIONS but on RH # /etc/sysconfig/ctdb can, and frequently does, set that variable. # So instead, we hack badly. We'll add these as we use them. # Note that these may still be overridden by the above file... but # we tend to use the exotic options here... so that is unlikely. case "$ctdb_options" in *--start-as-stopped*) export CTDB_START_AS_STOPPED="yes" esac } _restart_ctdb () { _ctdb_hack_options "$@" if [ -e /etc/redhat-release ] ; then service ctdb restart else /etc/init.d/ctdb restart fi } _ctdb_start () { _ctdb_hack_options "$@" /etc/init.d/ctdb start } setup_ctdb () { if [ -n "$CTDB_NODES_SOCKETS" ] ; then daemons_setup fi } # Common things to do after starting one or more nodes. _ctdb_start_post () { onnode -q 1 $CTDB_TEST_WRAPPER wait_until_healthy || return 1 echo "Setting RerecoveryTimeout to 1" onnode -pq all "$CTDB setvar RerecoveryTimeout 1" # In recent versions of CTDB, forcing a recovery like this blocks # until the recovery is complete. Hopefully this will help the # cluster to stabilise before a subsequent test. echo "Forcing a recovery..." onnode -q 0 $CTDB recover sleep_for 1 echo "Forcing a recovery..." onnode -q 0 $CTDB recover echo "ctdb is ready" } # This assumes that ctdbd is not running on the given node. ctdb_start_1 () { local pnn="$1" shift # "$@" is passed to ctdbd start. echo -n "Starting CTDB on node ${pnn}..." if [ -n "$CTDB_NODES_SOCKETS" ] ; then daemons_start_1 $pnn "$@" else onnode $pnn $CTDB_TEST_WRAPPER _ctdb_start "$@" fi # If we're starting only 1 node then we're doing something weird. ctdb_restart_when_done } restart_ctdb () { # "$@" is passed to ctdbd start. echo -n "Restarting CTDB" if $ctdb_test_restart_scheduled ; then echo -n " (scheduled)" fi echo "..." local i for i in $(seq 1 5) ; do if [ -n "$CTDB_NODES_SOCKETS" ] ; then daemons_stop daemons_start "$@" else onnode -p all $CTDB_TEST_WRAPPER _restart_ctdb "$@" fi || { echo "Restart failed. Trying again in a few seconds..." sleep_for 5 continue } onnode -q 1 $CTDB_TEST_WRAPPER wait_until_healthy || { echo "Cluster didn't become healthy. Restarting..." continue } local debug_out=$(onnode -p all ctdb status -Y 2>&1; onnode -p all ctdb scriptstatus 2>&1) echo "Setting RerecoveryTimeout to 1" onnode -pq all "$CTDB setvar RerecoveryTimeout 1" # In recent versions of CTDB, forcing a recovery like this # blocks until the recovery is complete. Hopefully this will # help the cluster to stabilise before a subsequent test. echo "Forcing a recovery..." onnode -q 0 $CTDB recover sleep_for 1 echo "Forcing a recovery..." onnode -q 0 $CTDB recover # Cluster is still healthy. Good, we're done! if ! onnode 0 $CTDB_TEST_WRAPPER _cluster_is_healthy ; then echo "Cluster become UNHEALTHY again. Restarting..." continue fi echo "Doing a sync..." onnode -q 0 $CTDB sync echo "ctdb is ready" return 0 done echo "Cluster UNHEALTHY... too many attempts..." echo "$debug_out" # Try to make the calling test fail status=1 return 1 } ctdb_restart_when_done () { ctdb_test_restart_scheduled=true } ####################################### install_eventscript () { local script_name="$1" local script_contents="$2" if [ -n "$CTDB_TEST_REAL_CLUSTER" ] ; then # The quoting here is *very* fragile. However, we do # experience the joy of installing a short script using # onnode, and without needing to know the IP addresses of the # nodes. onnode all "f=\"\${CTDB_BASE:-/etc/ctdb}/events.d/${script_name}\" ; echo \"Installing \$f\" ; echo '${script_contents}' > \"\$f\" ; chmod 755 \"\$f\"" else f="${CTDB_DIR}/tests/events.d/${script_name}" echo "$script_contents" >"$f" chmod 755 "$f" fi } uninstall_eventscript () { local script_name="$1" if [ -n "$CTDB_TEST_REAL_CLUSTER" ] ; then onnode all "rm -vf \"\${CTDB_BASE:-/etc/ctdb}/events.d/${script_name}\"" else rm -vf "${CTDB_DIR}/tests/events.d/${script_name}" fi } ####################################### # This section deals with the 99.ctdb_test eventscript. # Metafunctions: Handle a ctdb-test file on a node. # given event. ctdb_test_eventscript_file_create () { local pnn="$1" local type="$2" try_command_on_node $pnn touch "/tmp/ctdb-test-${type}.${pnn}" } ctdb_test_eventscript_file_remove () { local pnn="$1" local type="$2" try_command_on_node $pnn rm -f "/tmp/ctdb-test-${type}.${pnn}" } ctdb_test_eventscript_file_exists () { local pnn="$1" local type="$2" try_command_on_node $pnn test -f "/tmp/ctdb-test-${type}.${pnn}" >/dev/null 2>&1 } # Handle a flag file on a node that is removed by 99.ctdb_test on the # given event. ctdb_test_eventscript_flag () { local cmd="$1" local pnn="$2" local event="$3" ctdb_test_eventscript_file_${cmd} "$pnn" "flag-${event}" } # Handle a trigger that causes 99.ctdb_test to fail it's monitor # event. ctdb_test_eventscript_unhealthy_trigger () { local cmd="$1" local pnn="$2" ctdb_test_eventscript_file_${cmd} "$pnn" "unhealthy-trigger" } # Handle the file that 99.ctdb_test created to show that it has marked # a node unhealthy because it detected the above trigger. ctdb_test_eventscript_unhealthy_detected () { local cmd="$1" local pnn="$2" ctdb_test_eventscript_file_${cmd} "$pnn" "unhealthy-detected" } # Handle a trigger that causes 99.ctdb_test to timeout it's monitor # event. This should cause the node to be banned. ctdb_test_eventscript_timeout_trigger () { local cmd="$1" local pnn="$2" local event="$3" ctdb_test_eventscript_file_${cmd} "$pnn" "${event}-timeout" } # Note that the eventscript can't use the above functions! ctdb_test_eventscript_install () { local script='#!/bin/sh out=$(ctdb pnn) pnn="${out#PNN:}" rm -vf "/tmp/ctdb-test-flag-${1}.${pnn}" trigger="/tmp/ctdb-test-unhealthy-trigger.${pnn}" detected="/tmp/ctdb-test-unhealthy-detected.${pnn}" timeout_trigger="/tmp/ctdb-test-${1}-timeout.${pnn}" case "$1" in monitor) if [ -e "$trigger" ] ; then echo "${0}: Unhealthy because \"$trigger\" detected" touch "$detected" exit 1 elif [ -e "$detected" -a ! -e "$trigger" ] ; then echo "${0}: Healthy again, \"$trigger\" no longer detected" rm "$detected" fi ;; *) if [ -e "$timeout_trigger" ] ; then echo "${0}: Sleeping for a long time because \"$timeout_trigger\" detected" sleep 9999 fi ;; *) esac exit 0 ' install_eventscript "99.ctdb_test" "$script" } ctdb_test_eventscript_uninstall () { uninstall_eventscript "99.ctdb_test" } # Note that this only works if you know all other monitor events will # succeed. You also need to install the eventscript before using it. wait_for_monitor_event () { local pnn="$1" echo "Waiting for a monitor event on node ${pnn}..." ctdb_test_eventscript_flag create $pnn "monitor" wait_until 120 ! ctdb_test_eventscript_flag exists $pnn "monitor" } # Make sure that $CTDB is set. : ${CTDB:=ctdb}