TODO list for VaSaBi ==================== - also copy st/ and treat like bin/ ? - Have the Vagrantfile generated and maintained by the vasabi script, stored somewhere under ~/.vasabi (or under /var/run/vasabi or so) ==> this would make the exact place of the vasabi script irrelevant. - Have the Vagrantfile much more dynamic: - dynamically create vagrant machines parametrized by - base box - source directory - possibly additional build id - e.g.: vasabi -t foo-box -s /path/to/samba/tree -- ... --> machine name VaSaBi-foobox-(SOURCE-HASH)[-BUILD-ID] where - SOURCE-HASH is a hash of the source directory - BUILD-ID is a hash of the list of options built with (after "--") - ==> this would in particular make it possible to use several machines of the same type / image / base name. DONE: - rewrite using proper cmdline options (getopt(s)) - alternative: rewrite in python (started) ==> rewritten in python with cmdline options - also copy .lock-wscript with suffix