######################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2009, Secure Endpoints Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # all:: clean:: test:: prep:: all:: prep !include !ifdef NODEBUG BUILD=rel !else BUILD=dbg !endif !if exist($(MAKEDIR)\windows\NTMakefile.w32) SRC=$(MAKEDIR) !elseif exist($(MAKEDIR)\..\windows\NTMakefile.w32) SRC=$(MAKEDIR)\.. !elseif exist($(MAKEDIR)\..\..\windows\NTMakefile.w32) SRC=$(MAKEDIR)\..\.. !elseif exist($(MAKEDIR)\..\..\..\windows\NTMakefile.w32) SRC=$(MAKEDIR)\..\..\.. !else ! error Cant determine source directory !endif ! if "$(CPU)"=="i386" || "$(CPU)"=="x86" MCPU=x86 ! elseif "$(CPU)"=="AMD64" MCPU=amd64 ! else ! error Unknown CPU ! endif !include "NTMakefile.config" #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Directory macros DESTDIR=$(SRC)\out\dest_$(OUTDIR) OBJDIR =$(SRC)\out\obj_$(OUTDIR) INCDIR =$(DESTDIR)\inc LIBDIR =$(DESTDIR)\lib BINDIR =$(DESTDIR)\bin SBINDIR=$(BINDIR) LIBEXECDIR=$(BINDIR) ASMDIR=$(BINDIR) SDKDIR=$(SRC)\out SDKINCDIR=$(SRC)\out\inc SDKLIBDIR=$(SRC)\out\lib\$(CPU) SDKSRCDIR=$(SRC)\out\src !ifdef RELDIR SRCDIR =$(SRC)\$(RELDIR) OBJ =$(OBJDIR)\$(RELDIR) !else OBJ =$(OBJDIR) !endif # For tests: PATH=$(PATH);$(BINDIR) #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Command macros RMAKE=nmake /nologo /f NTMakefile RECURSE=1 MKDIR=md CP=copy /Y LINK=link LM=lib RM=del /q ECHO=echo RC=rc AWK=gawk.exe YACC=bison.exe -y LEX=flex.exe PYTHON=python.exe PERL=perl.exe CMP=cmp.exe SIGNTOOL=signtool.exe MAKECAT=makecat.exe # Only used for tests SH=sh.exe SED=sed.exe #---------------------------------------------------------------- # External dependencies # For pthread support to be enabled, both PTHREAD_INC and PTHREAD_LIB # should be defined. PTHREAD_INC should be the include directory # where pthread.h is to be found (i.e. $(PTHREAD_INC)\pthread.h should # exist), and PTHREAD_LIB is the full path to the pthread import # library. # # Note that both paths should not contain any whitespace. !ifdef PTHREAD_INC pthreadinc= -I$(PTHREAD_INC) !endif #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Build options cincdirs=$(cincdirs) -I$(INCDIR) -I$(INCDIR)\krb5 $(pthreadinc) cdefines=$(cdefines) -DHAVE_CONFIG_H # --------------------------------------------------------------- # time_t issues !if "$(MCPU)"=="x86" cdefines=$(cdefines) -D_USE_32BIT_TIME_T !endif # Disable warnings: # # C4996: 'function' was declared deprecated # C4127: Conditional expression is constant # C4244: Conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data # C4100: 'identifier': unreferenced formal parameter # C4706: Assignment within conditional expression # C4214: Nonstandard extension used # C4267: '': Conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data # C4018: '': Signed/unsigned mismatch # C4204: Nonstandard extension used: non-constant aggregate initializer # C4221: Nonstandard extension used: 'v1': cannot be initialized using address of automatic variable 'v2' # C4295: '': Array is too small to include a terminating null character # cwarn=$(cwarn) -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -wd4996 -wd4127 -wd4244 -wd4100 -wd4706 cwarn=$(cwarn) -wd4214 -wd4267 -wd4018 -wd4389 -wd4204 -wd4221 -wd4295 !if "$(CPU)"=="i386" libmach=/machine:X86 !elseif "$(CPU)"=="AMD64" libmach=/machine:X64 !else ! error Unknown CPU value !endif !ifndef STATICRUNTIME C2OBJ_C = $(CC) $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(cvarsdll) $(AUXCFLAGS) $(intcflags) $(cdefines) $(cincdirs) $(cwarn) EXECONLINK_C = $(LINK) $(ldebug) $(conlflags) $(conlibsdll) $(libmach) EXEGUILINK_C = $(LINK) $(ldebug) $(guilflags) $(guilibsdll) $(libmach) DLLCONLINK_C = $(LINK) $(ldebug) $(dlllflags) $(conlibsdll) $(libmach) DLLGUILINK_C = $(LINK) $(ldebug) $(dlllflags) $(guilibsdll) $(libmach) !else # STATICRUNTIME C2OBJ_C = $(CC) $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(cvarsmt) $(AUXCFLAGS) $(intcflags) $(cdefines) $(cincdirs) $(cwarn) EXECONLINK_C = $(LINK) $(ldebug) $(conlflags) $(conlibsmt) $(libmach) EXEGUILINK_C = $(LINK) $(ldebug) $(guilflags) $(guilibsmt) $(libmach) DLLCONLINK_C = $(LINK) $(ldebug) $(dlllflags) $(conlibsmt) $(libmach) DLLGUILINK_C = $(LINK) $(ldebug) $(dlllflags) $(guilibsmt) $(libmach) !endif LIBGUI_C = $(LM) /nologo $(libmach) /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS LIBCON_C = $(LM) /nologo $(libmach) /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE C2OBJ = $(C2OBJ_C) -Fo$@ -Fd$(@D)\ $** C2OBJ_NP = $(C2OBJ_C) -MP $< C2OBJ_P = $(C2OBJ_NP) -Fo$(OBJ)\ -Fd$(OBJ)\ # EXECONLINK = $(EXECONLINK_C) -OUT:$@ $** EXEGUILINK = $(EXEGUILINK_C) -OUT:$@ $** DLLCONLINK = $(DLLCONLINK_C) -OUT:$@ $** DLLGUILINK = $(DLLGUILINK_C) -OUT:$@ $** LIBGUI = $(LIBGUI_C) /OUT:$@ $** LIBCON = $(LIBCON_C) /OUT:$@ $** # Preprocess files to stdout using config.h CPREPROCESSOUT = $(CC) /EP /FI$(INCDIR)\config.h /TC /DCPP_ONLY=1 # Resources RC2RES_C = $(RC) $(cincdirs) $(AUXRCFLAGS) RC2RES = $(RC2RES_C) -fo $@ $** #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If this is the initial invocation, we check if all the build # utilities are there. Also show the commands macros. !ifndef RECURSE check-utils: @for %%g in ( "$(AWK)" "$(YACC)" "$(LEX)" "$(PYTHON)" "$(PERL)" "$(CMP)" "$(SED)" "$(SIGNTOOL)" "$(MAKECAT)" ) do @( \ for /f %%f in ( "%%g" ) do @( \ if exist %%f @( \ echo Found %%f \ ) else if "%%~$$PATH:f"=="" @( \ echo Could not find %%f in PATH && \ exit /b 1 \ ) else @( \ echo Found %%~$$PATH:f \ ) \ ) \ ) @for %%g in ( "$(SH)" ) do @( \ for /f %%f in ( "%%g" ) do @( \ if exist %%f @( \ echo Found %%f \ ) else if "%%~$$PATH:f"=="" @( \ echo Could not find %%f in PATH && \ echo Test targets may fail. \ ) else @( \ echo Found %%~$$PATH:f \ ) \ ) \ ) prep:: check-utils show-cmds: @$(ECHO) C2OBJ=$(C2OBJ_C:\=\\) @$(ECHO). @$(ECHO) EXECONLINK=$(EXECONLINK_C) @$(ECHO). @$(ECHO) EXEGUILINK=$(EXEGUILINK_C) @$(ECHO). @$(ECHO) DLLCONLINK=$(DLLCONLINK_C) @$(ECHO). @$(ECHO) DLLGUILINK=$(DLLGUILINK_C) @$(ECHO). @$(ECHO) LIBGUI=$(LIBGUI_C) @$(ECHO). @$(ECHO) LIBCON=$(LIBCON_C) prep:: show-cmds !endif # RECURSE {}.c{$(OBJ)}.obj:: $(C2OBJ_C) /Fd$(OBJ)\ /Fo$(OBJ)\ /MP @<< $< << {$(OBJ)}.c{$(OBJ)}.obj:: $(C2OBJ_C) /Fd$(OBJ)\ /Fo$(OBJ)\ /MP @<< $< << {}.cpp{$(OBJ)}.obj:: $(C2OBJ_C) /Fd$(OBJ)\ /Fo$(OBJ)\ /MP @<< $< << {$(OBJ)}.cpp{$(OBJ)}.obj:: $(C2OBJ_C) /Fd$(OBJ)\ /Fo$(OBJ)\ /MP @<< $< << {}.hin{$(INCDIR)}.h: $(CP) $< $@ {}.h{$(INCDIR)}.h: $(CP) $< $@ {}.h{$(INCDIR)\krb5}.h: $(CP) $< $@ {$(OBJ)}.h{$(INCDIR)}.h: $(CP) $< $@ {$(OBJ)}.x{$(OBJ)}.c: $(CP) $< $@ {$(OBJ)}.hx{$(INCDIR)}.h: $(CP) $< $@ {$(OBJ)}.hx{$(OBJ)}.h: $(CP) $< $@ {}.rc{$(OBJ)}.res: $(RC2RES) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Announce the build directory !ifdef RELDIR all:: announce all-tools:: announce-tools test:: announce clean:: announce announce: @echo. @echo --------- Entering $(RELDIR:\= ): announce-tools: @echo. @echo --------- Entering $(RELDIR:\= ) tools: !endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create any required directories if they don't already exist prep:: mkdirs mkdirs: ! if !exist($(OBJ)) $(MKDIR) $(OBJ) ! endif ! if !exist($(DESTDIR)) $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR) ! endif ! if !exist($(LIBDIR)) $(MKDIR) $(LIBDIR) ! endif ! if !exist($(BINDIR)) $(MKDIR) $(BINDIR) ! endif ! if !exist($(INCDIR)) $(MKDIR) $(INCDIR) ! endif ! if !exist($(INCDIR)\gssapi) $(MKDIR) $(INCDIR)\gssapi ! endif ! if !exist($(INCDIR)\hcrypto) $(MKDIR) $(INCDIR)\hcrypto ! endif ! if !exist($(INCDIR)\kadm5) $(MKDIR) $(INCDIR)\kadm5 ! endif ! if !exist($(INCDIR)\krb5) $(MKDIR) $(INCDIR)\krb5 ! endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If SUBDIRS is defined, we should recurse into the subdirectories !ifdef SUBDIRS subdirs: @for %%f in ( $(SUBDIRS) ) do @ (pushd %%f && $(RMAKE) && popd) || exit /b 1 clean-subdirs: @for %%f in ( $(SUBDIRS) ) do @ (pushd %%f && $(RMAKE) clean && popd) || exit /b 1 test-subdirs: @for %%f in ( $(SUBDIRS) ) do @ (pushd %%f && $(RMAKE) test && popd) || exit /b 1 all:: subdirs clean:: clean-subdirs test:: test-subdirs !endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clean targets !ifdef CLEANFILES clean:: -$(RM) $(CLEANFILES) !endif !ifdef RELDIR clean:: -$(RM) $(OBJ)\*.* !endif .SUFFIXES: .c .cpp .hin .h .x .hx #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Manifest handling # # Starting with Visual Studio 8, the C compiler and the linker # generate manifests so that the applications will link with the # correct side-by-side DLLs at run-time. These are required for # correct operation under Windows XP and later. We also have custom # manifests which need to be merged with the manifests that VS # creates. # # The syntax for invoking the _VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_FOO macro is: # $(_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_???) # MT=mt.exe -nologo _VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_EXE= \ ( if exist $@.manifest $(MT) -outputresource:$@;1 -manifest $@.manifest ) _VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_DLL= \ ( if exist $@.manifest $(MT) -outputresource:$@;2 -manifest $@.manifest ) # Note that if you are merging manifests, then the VS generated # manifest should be cleaned up after calling _VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_???. # This ensures that even if the DLL or EXE is executed in-place, the # embedded manifest will be used. Otherwise the $@.manifest file will # be used. _VC_MANIFEST_CLEAN= \ ( if exist $@.manifest $(RM) $@.manifest ) # End of manifest handling #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code and assembly signing # # SIGNTOOL_C is any set of options required for certificate/private # key selection for code signging. # # SIGNTOOL_O is any set of additional options to signtool.exe # # SIGNTOOL_T is the timestamp option !ifdef CODESIGN _CODESIGN=( $(CODESIGN) $@ ) !else !ifdef SIGNTOOL_C !ifndef SIGNTOOL_T SIGNTOOL_T=/t http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll !endif _CODESIGN=( $(SIGNTOOL) sign $(SIGNTOOL_O) $(SIGNTOOL_T) $(SIGNTOOL_C) /v $@ ) !else _CODESIGN=( echo Skipping code sign ) !endif !endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Convenience macros for preparing EXEs and DLLs. These are multiline # macros that deal with manifests and code signing. Unless we need to # include custom manifests, these are what we should be using to # prepare binaries. EXEPREP=\ ( $(_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_EXE) && $(_VC_MANIFEST_CLEAN) && $(_CODESIGN) ) || $(RM) $@ EXEPREP_NODIST=\ ( $(_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_EXE) && $(_VC_MANIFEST_CLEAN) ) || $(RM) $@ DLLPREP=\ ( $(_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_DLL) && $(_VC_MANIFEST_CLEAN) && $(_CODESIGN) ) || $(RM) $@ DLLPREP_NODIST=\ ( $(_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_DLL) && $(_VC_MANIFEST_CLEAN) ) || $(RM) $@ #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Convenience macros for import libraries and assemblies # LIBASN1 =$(LIBDIR)\libasn1.lib LIBCOMERR =$(LIBDIR)\libcom_err.lib LIBEDITLINE =$(LIBDIR)\libeditline.lib LIBGSSAPI =$(LIBDIR)\libgssapi.lib LIBHCRYPTO =$(LIBDIR)\libhcrypto.lib LIBHDB =$(LIBDIR)\libhdb.lib LIBHEIMDAL =$(LIBDIR)\heimdal.lib LIBHEIMIPCC =$(LIBDIR)\libheim-ipcc.lib LIBHEIMIPCS =$(LIBDIR)\libheim-ipcs.lib LIBHEIMNTLM =$(LIBDIR)\libheimntlm.lib LIBHX509 =$(LIBDIR)\libhx509.lib LIBKADM5CLNT=$(LIBDIR)\libkadm5clnt.lib LIBKADM5SRV =$(LIBDIR)\libkadm5srv.lib LIBKDC =$(LIBDIR)\libkdc.lib LIBLTM =$(LIBDIR)\libltm.lib LIBKRB5 =$(LIBDIR)\libkrb5.lib LIBROKEN =$(LIBDIR)\libroken.lib LIBSL =$(LIBDIR)\libsl.lib LIBSQLITE =$(LIBDIR)\libsqlite.lib LIBVERS =$(LIBDIR)\libvers.lib LIBWIND =$(LIBDIR)\libwind.lib ASMKRBNAME =Heimdal.Kerberos ASMGSSNAME =Heimdal.GSSAPI APPMANIFEST =$(INCDIR)\Heimdal.Application.$(MCPU).manifest