#!/usr/bin/env -S python3 -B # This script turns one or more diff files in the patches dir (which is # expected to be a checkout of the rsync-patches git repo) into a branch # in the main rsync git checkout. This allows the applied patch to be # merged with the latest rsync changes and tested. To update the diff # with the resulting changes, see the patch-update script. import os, sys, re, argparse, glob sys.path = ['packaging'] + sys.path from pkglib import * def main(): global created, info, local_branch cur_branch, args.base_branch = check_git_state(args.base_branch, not args.skip_check, args.patches_dir) local_branch = get_patch_branches(args.base_branch) if args.delete_local_branches: for name in sorted(local_branch): branch = f"patch/{args.base_branch}/{name}" cmd_chk(['git', 'branch', '-D', branch]) local_branch = set() if args.add_missing: for fn in sorted(glob.glob(f"{args.patches_dir}/*.diff")): name = re.sub(r'\.diff$', '', re.sub(r'.+/', '', fn)) if name not in local_branch and fn not in args.patch_files: args.patch_files.append(fn) if not args.patch_files: return for fn in args.patch_files: if not fn.endswith('.diff'): die(f"Filename is not a .diff file: {fn}") if not os.path.isfile(fn): die(f"File not found: {fn}") scanned = set() info = { } patch_list = [ ] for fn in args.patch_files: m = re.match(r'^(?P.*?)(?P[^/]+)\.diff$', fn) patch = argparse.Namespace(**m.groupdict()) if patch.name in scanned: continue patch.fn = fn lines = [ ] commit_hash = None with open(patch.fn, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh: for line in fh: m = re.match(r'^based-on: (\S+)', line) if m: commit_hash = m[1] break if (re.match(r'^index .*\.\..* \d', line) or re.match(r'^diff --git ', line) or re.match(r'^--- (old|a)/', line)): break lines.append(re.sub(r'\s*\Z', "\n", line, 1)) info_txt = ''.join(lines).strip() + "\n" lines = None parent = args.base_branch patches = re.findall(r'patch -p1 <%s/(\S+)\.diff' % args.patches_dir, info_txt) if patches: last = patches.pop() if last != patch.name: warn(f"No identity patch line in {patch.fn}") patches.append(last) if patches: parent = patches.pop() if parent not in scanned: diff_fn = patch.dir + parent + '.diff' if not os.path.isfile(diff_fn): die(f"Failed to find parent of {patch.fn}: {parent}") # Add parent to args.patch_files so that we will look for the # parent's parent. Any duplicates will be ignored. args.patch_files.append(diff_fn) else: warn(f"No patch lines found in {patch.fn}") info[patch.name] = [ parent, info_txt, commit_hash ] patch_list.append(patch) created = set() for patch in patch_list: create_branch(patch) cmd_chk(['git', 'checkout', args.base_branch]) def create_branch(patch): if patch.name in created: return created.add(patch.name) parent, info_txt, commit_hash = info[patch.name] parent = argparse.Namespace(dir=patch.dir, name=parent, fn=patch.dir + parent + '.diff') if parent.name == args.base_branch: parent_branch = commit_hash if commit_hash else args.base_branch else: create_branch(parent) parent_branch = '/'.join(['patch', args.base_branch, parent.name]) branch = '/'.join(['patch', args.base_branch, patch.name]) print("\n" + '=' * 64) print(f"Processing {branch} ({parent_branch})") if patch.name in local_branch: cmd_chk(['git', 'branch', '-D', branch]) cmd_chk(['git', 'checkout', '-b', branch, parent_branch]) info_fn = 'PATCH.' + patch.name with open(info_fn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fh: fh.write(info_txt) cmd_chk(['git', 'add', info_fn]) with open(patch.fn, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh: patch_txt = fh.read() cmd_run('patch -p1'.split(), input=patch_txt) for fn in glob.glob('*.orig') + glob.glob('*/*.orig'): os.unlink(fn) pos = 0 new_file_re = re.compile(r'\nnew file mode (?P\d+)\s+--- /dev/null\s+\+\+\+ b/(?P.+)') while True: m = new_file_re.search(patch_txt, pos) if not m: break os.chmod(m['fn'], int(m['mode'], 8)) cmd_chk(['git', 'add', m['fn']]) pos = m.end() while True: cmd_chk('git status'.split()) ans = input('Press Enter to commit, Ctrl-C to abort, or type a wild-name to add a new file: ') if ans == '': break cmd_chk("git add " + ans, shell=True) while True: s = cmd_run(['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', f"Creating branch from {patch.name}.diff."]) if not s.returncode: break s = cmd_run(['/bin/zsh']) if s.returncode: die('Aborting due to shell error code') if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create a git patch branch from an rsync patch file.", add_help=False) parser.add_argument('--branch', '-b', dest='base_branch', metavar='BASE_BRANCH', default='master', help="The branch the patch is based on. Default: master.") parser.add_argument('--add-missing', '-a', action='store_true', help="Add a branch for every patches/*.diff that doesn't have a branch.") parser.add_argument('--skip-check', action='store_true', help="Skip the check that ensures starting with a clean branch.") parser.add_argument('--delete', dest='delete_local_branches', action='store_true', help="Delete all the local patch/BASE/* branches, not just the ones that are being recreated.") parser.add_argument('--patches-dir', '-p', metavar='DIR', default='patches', help="Override the location of the rsync-patches dir. Default: patches.") parser.add_argument('patch_files', metavar='patches/DIFF_FILE', nargs='*', help="Specify what patch diff files to process. Default: all of them.") parser.add_argument("--help", "-h", action="help", help="Output this help message and exit.") args = parser.parse_args() main() # vim: sw=4 et ft=python