Subversion access to

Overview contains an anonymous Subversion repository. The source code in this repository is synchronised from the main branch every 5 minutes.

Subversion is available from

Web access to the source

You can access the subversion repository via websvn at

Access via subversion

To access the 'trunk', run:

svn co svn:// samba-trunk

To check out a certain branch, say a branch called BRANCH, run:

svn co svn:// samba-BRANCH

Major current branches include:

svn co svn:// samba-3_0
svn co svn:// samba-4_0

Samba Documentation sources are located at:

svn co svn:// samba-docs

Access via rsync and ftp also exports unpacked copies of most parts of the Subversion tree at and also via anonymous rsync at rsync:// I recommend using rsync rather than ftp. See for more info on rsync.

The disadvantage of the unpacked trees is that they do not support automatic merging of local changes like CVS or Subversion does. rsync access is most convenient for an initial install.

Available branches

Please refer the Development and General Roadmap page for information on the current cvs branches.

Reporting problems

If you have any problems with this system please ask on the Samba mailing list.