2021-08-26 Ronnie Sahlbergsigning: disable signing if authentication failed but... master
2021-08-26 Ronnie Sahlbergsigning: add support for signing of 2.10 and later...
2021-08-25 Ronnie Sahlbergauthentication: print the client principal on successfu...
2021-08-25 Ronnie Sahlbergauthentication: allow logging in as guest
2021-08-25 Ronnie Sahlbergmain: print the exception if a server connection fails
2021-08-25 Ronnie Sahlbergspnego: add authentication using the spnego pip package
2021-08-25 Ronnie Sahlbergconfig: make the config file an example
2021-08-25 Ronnie Sahlbergheader: add code for STATUS_USER_SESSION_DELETED
2021-08-25 Ronnie Sahlbergserver: re-listen for new connection if the client...
2021-02-11 Ronnie SahlbergLicence file
2021-02-11 Ronnie SahlbergAdd licence and document what we need to do to fork...
2021-02-09 ronnie sahlbergInitial commit creating Scrambla.